An Update.

Hello again; it has undoubtedly been a while since I've written anything substantial on this website. I haven't forgotten about this little blog of mine, and I do not intend to abandon it. I have multiple things written on paper and countless more ideas, but I am currently stuck at an impasse.

This site is still relatively new, and it doesn't have much on it at all. I remain obscure enough to feel confident in my tinkering and experimenting. However, at the same time, I know that once my words go out, I cannot take them back- they are forever readable by the world, and even if I delete them, there's a chance that they're somewhere else on the internet (a slight chance, but a chance nonetheless).

I do not know when the words I have written will see the light of day- they will remain unseen, scrawled on tattered paper in a battered journal I keep near and dear to my weary body. I do not know how to continue. My hands type on my keyboard for a while, then my palms dig into my cheeks, and I stare into space.

I love writing. It keeps my thoughts organized and gets them out to the world. I do not intend to stop. I simply need to find a theme for what my writing will look like- will it be advice for living a more fulfilling lifestyle? Will it be pointing out things I find wrong with our crumbling and dying society? Will it be writing about my life and the hope and despair I see while living it? I plan for it to be all three of those and more, but I risk losing myself in so many themes that there is no common theme to you, the reader- just the unconnected, strange ramblings of an internet stranger.

I am left to debate this for the time being as I struggle to balance saying what I want and not looking like a fool doing it. Thank you for being patient.

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